Windy Night…


This dead tree is in the driveway, and looked very dramatic with clouds scudding across the sky behind.  The wind was blowing SO hard, I struggled to hold the camera still. This is my first effort at long exposure night photography – ably assisted by my brother in law – to be honest, all I did was press the time delay shutter!!!


Taken earlier of the moon rise over the sea.


Slightly different angle…but I don’t like the strong light from the left in this photo


Sunset Rock, at Cape St Francis…

We were told about this place – given directions. When we got there, we found a car park FULL of cars and people, everywhere! If I’d been on my own, I’d have just kept right on driving!  P1260817

In this direction, however, only a few fishermen…


I’m told this road goes along the coast for miles…(above)

I’m guessing people come here to take sunset photos for a reason!



As the sun went down, the light changed and the blues became deeper…



Facing the other way – the people were still there!
