Underwater gardens…

I find little bits of nature that I want to take home, add to my garden…of course I can’t, so I take photos instead. These were little ‘gardens’ underwater, growing in amongst the rocks and the crashing waves.Underwater gardens

I couldn’t have arranged it better if I tried..

Underwater gardensThose little thingies at the water level are hell on your feet walking on the rocks!

Underwater gardensUnderwater gardens



My Christian friend was delighted when I noticed these two rocks…the squiggly line leading to the cross, hidden under the rock.Symbols everywhere

It isn’t painted on…its a light colour in the rocks!

Symbols everywhereTucked away on a rock very close to the crashing waves at Still Bay in the Western Cape.


Fish traps at Still Bay…

Still Bay - Fish trapsThese rock pools pictured above are not natural – they are ancient fish traps. They were built, rock by rock by people who lived off the sea thousands of years ago. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

We were taken there at low tide so I could photograph them, but I struggled to fit them all into one picture.Fish traps, Still Bay

Above is a closeup of one of the walls.  I took this info off the Still Bay Information Brochure: The seaward side slopes gently to make it easy for the fish to swim into the trap. The internal face is vertical and clear of debris and silt, so the “vywers” can be drained quickly and trap the fish as the tide recedes.Still Bay, fish Traps

Below is a photograph of the brochure given out at the information office detailing the names of people who “own” the fish traps. Most of them are a half moon shape and vary in size and from what I could gather, some are better at catching fish than others. Nowadays, sadly, fish are scarce.Fish traps, Still Bay