Trees in the Tea Estates…

Whoever developed the tea estates in the Eastern Highlands must have been a fellow tree lover. This lone tree, at the very top of the rise can be seen for miles.


This one, below, is HUGE – left all on its own, in the middle of a field. It would have been so much easier to just cut it down and make way for mechanisation.


This thorn tree, below, just coming into leaf caught my eye. (I’m afraid the photo isn’t that good.)


Although not all of the trees are indigenous, they are HUGE! I’m told it rains a lot in the area, and the tea bushes don’t need to be irrigated.


The road goes right through this grove of trees (below) over a little bridge and then bursts out onto the brilliant green tea fields again.




6 thoughts on “Trees in the Tea Estates…

    • Yes, I saw the articles, and look forward to the Sir David Attenborough documentary. I have just returned from Mana Pools and one of the camps is even called the BBC camp!!! There is also a book with brilliant photos, the proceeds of which will be used to raise money for the conservation of these animals.
      I didn’t see any painted dogs, unfortunately, although I have seen them in Hwange National Park in the past.
      Ill be posting the pics of what I did see, so please stay tuned!
      Mana Pools is a special place, and mostly because one can walk there, unlike other national parks where there are the big five to be found.

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