Distant Vista

This series is taken driving between Lusulu and Binga.


Rivers have cut through the plateau, creating these escarpments.


I took the above pic leaning over the escarpment…eeuuw – and it was slippery from the rain!


We managed to dodge the rain most of the time, but the light was special. Strong African light, filtered by rain clouds!


4 thoughts on “Distant Vista

  1. Dear Frankie even if I Don’t leave a comment, your photo’s brighten up day and leave me with a good feeling for the whole day. Miss them when you are away and unable to post.

    • Thanks, Julie. I know I should post every day, rather than several in one day – but many things conspire against me! One of them is a slow internet connection – wordpress uses a stack of bandwidth. We sometimes (when we can afford it) have a fibre optic connection that goes along at a million miles per hour!

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